One of the most potent healing agents in the natural alternative specialist’s medicine bag is the combination of DMSO and colloidal silver. Remarkable recoveries from using the combination of DMSO and colloidal silver have eliminated concerns of patients who have experienced mediocre results from traditional medical treatment and pharmaceutical meds for pneumonia, burns, acne, arthritis, brain injuries, toothaches, hemorrhoids, muscle sprains and strains, spinal injuries, fibromyalgia symptoms, cancer, cold sores, blocked sinus, varicose veins, and softens scar tissue, improves eyesight, and rejuvenates aging skin.
Briefly, the DMSO and Silver Water mixture relieves pain, is an anti-inflammatory bactericide that is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-microbial, scavenges free radicals, boosts natural immunity, detoxes heavy metals, improves eyesight, decreases swelling, enhances blood supply, repairs DNA, protects from radiation, and increases cognition and relaxation. DMSO and colloidal silver are combined to treat psoriasis, eczema, and wounds.
There are many grades of colloidal silver, the higher the grade and the smaller the silver particles, the better the results. DMSO should be a high-grade, pharmaceutical grade (99.999% pure), preferable for best results. DMSO enhances the antibiotic qualities of colloidal silver and delivers more silver to different body areas and throughout the bloodstream.
As a carrier, DMSO will carry whatever it is mixed with through the skin, tissue, and bloodstream, even into the bone marrow. For this reason, you must keep any mixture and the application area clear of contaminants. DMSO is a colorless natural liquid derived from trees that freezes at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. It contains sulfur, which results in a garlicky taste and odor. As a solvent, DMSO will mix easily with most other substances, as a natural penetrant will take whatever it is combined with through protective layers of skin, blood-brain barriers, tissues, organs, through the bone, and into the marrow as well. DMSO and colloidal silver should be in every medicine cabinet, first aid kit, emergency kit, and survival kit.
Preparing a PET plastic or glass spray bottle with your DMSO/colloidal silver mixture is best. Apply the liquid mixture directly to any skin area, depending on your application. It is safe in the eyes for healing eye issues; if applied directly to the eyes, dispense with an eyedropper.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Fibromyalgia
People with Fibromyalgia wildly proclaim DMSO and colloidal silver to be a winning combination, both taken internally and applied to any area of discomfort topically to the skin.
Apply or ingest until symptoms disappear, then continue your regimen for three days to seal the deal. Extending application for the additional 72 hours will significantly impact any return of symptoms by continuing to eliminate the catalyst.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Leg Ulcers & Varicose Veins
Applying DMSO/colloidal silver to the troubled area three times a day has produced outstanding results for treating leg ulcers and varicose veins.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Joint Pain
DMSO alone has been used to treat muscle problems for years and is the first-line defense item preferred by Olympian athletes. Mixed with colloidal silver enhances the healing effects tremendously.
Generally, it is applied three times a day to treat muscle, arthritic, and joint pain. Symptoms and their causes will fade over time.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Intestinal Disease, IBD, Chron’s
Taken internally, those suffering from intestinal diseases from irritable bowel syndrome to Chron’s disease all report stellar results, and many claim complete reversal of the disease.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for COPD
COPD patients resound their praises of nebulizing the DMSO/colloidal silver immensely.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Hemorrhoids
Patients suffering from chronic hemorrhoids dependent on periodic surgical procedures have eliminated the issue by applying the DMSO/colloidal silver combination.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Cleansing of Parasites
Parasite cleanses often suggest using DMSO/colloidal mixtures in protocols to eliminate a wide range of parasites.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Anti-aging Facial Serum
Castor oil added to the DMSO/colloidal silver mixture is a popular anti-aging serum in Hollywood and specialty clinics worldwide. The anti-aging serum fights wrinkles, acne, and puffiness while moisturizing and promoting healthy, youthful skin. Great for stretch marks and scars. Apply at nighttime just before going to bed.
How to mix DMSO and Colloidal Silver
50/50 mix- 1 part 99%+ DMSO to 1 part colloidal silver – apply 1-4 times daily
70/30 mix- 2 parts 99%+ DMSO to 1 part colloidal silver – apply 1 or 2 times daily
If mixing the DMSO yourself and not using a premixed retail product, blend with colloidal silver. I prefer Silver Water. Mix this in the appropriate ratio in a glass bottle; I prefer a dropper bottle. DMSO and colloidal silver, when mixed, will cause a heat reaction for a few minutes; this chemical reaction is normal. The reaction indicates you have authentic products and should briefly become hot during the chemical reaction as the DMSO bonds to the colloidal silver. When using a dropper bottle, you can easily measure and apply a few drops quickly to a small area like a knee or ankle.
For more extensive coverage areas, use either a 50/50 blend or combine two tablespoons of 99% pure DMSO with two tablespoons of colloidal silver; mix thoroughly in a glass bottle or glass bowl, then apply directly to the application area. Allow this to dry completely – which takes about 20 minutes. DO NOT rub or massage. Rubbing will cause redness or a skin burn like a rug burn.
Just leave it alone and allow it to dry. The skin may tingle or itch, eve become red; this is also normal. If it is too strong, you must reduce your dilution to a 1-part DMSO and move to 3 parts colloidal silver, for example.
DMSO is a dehydrating substance. Diluting to a 70/30 or 50/50 product allows you to apply it more frequently to a problem area without drying the skin. After about eight minutes and between applications, you can apply organic coconut oil to one’s skin to help it remain hydrated. If the skin is too dry, you must stop using the product for a day and let the skin rest. This is a fantastic product with excellent results when used correctly.
The DMSO/colloidal silver mixture can increase the effects of blood thinners, heart medications, and more, so research and talk to your doctor.
Herb Roi Richards, author of DMSO for Humans, just smashed his thumb with the pliers, immediately soaked the painful thumb in a 70% DMSO and Silver Water solution for a few minutes and went back to work. And hour later soaked it again, and no injury, bruise, or red marks. Just like new.
DMSO and Colloidal Silver for Pets
Colloidal silver has a unique ability to kill microbes and keep them out of your pet’s system. Several types of diseases propagate via the release of microbes; exterminating them is vital to stopping these health concerns and helping to supercharge your pet’s immune system.
However, eliminating these disease-causing pathogens is challenging due to ineffective penetration of the interior of the cell wall where they like to hide. DMSO increases the effectiveness of colloidal silver.
DMSO penetrates and takes the colloidal silver into the inside of your pet’s cells, where these destructive pathogens hide. Once transported through the cell’s barrier by the DMSO, the colloidal silver can annihilate pathogens skulking around and hiding out within.
DMSO and colloidal silver work for cataracts, cloudy eyes, ulcers, and other corneal ulcers and eye infection-type issues. DMSO is often used at 10% to 30% in colloidal silver for cataracts, applied 2-3 times daily.
Do not use DMSO full strength. DMSO should be combined with colloidal silver. A 10 to 30% mixture of DMSO to 70% colloidal silver. Never above a 40% solution for the eyes Like Visine, it stings a little for about half a minute.
Hair growth is often observed in animals treated with DMSO. In a few instances, cats that had suffered severe hair loss had the hair grow back wholly when treated with a topical lotion with DMSO. Other cats, which had not lost hair, presented thicker hair on areas treated with DMSO.
The primary reason is that DMSO, an excellent vasodilator, dilates the tiny capillaries in the scalp. This increases the blood supply to the hair’s roots, bringing needed nutrients to the hair follicles and allowing hair growth to begin again.
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