Natural compounds such as DMSO, an unassuming by-product of the wood industry, have been called “miracle treatments” because they alleviate pain, reduce swelling, decrease inflammation, incite healing, and restore normal functioning.
As well as being commonly taken orally, DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) can be absorbed through the skin and has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. In contrast, DMSO is primarily used as a topical product, mostly applied to the skin and used in the eyes, diluted with ionic silver water for ulcers and cataracts. You can find our Vision Care Eye Drops here.
DMSO is a colorless liquid that penetrates the skin and other membranes and promotes deeper healing.
Is DMSO a miracle worker?
Many incapacitating illnesses and health issues can be treated with DMSO.
In addition to treating cancer, DMSO is being used as an alternative cure for innumerable inflammatory conditions.
A wide range of conditions can be treated with DMSO, which is one of the safest natural compounds in medicine.
It mentions documented cases of DMSO having amazing results in preventing and healing a number of health conditions in the book DMSO for Humans, Recipes and Treatment by Herb Roi Richards Ph.D. It makes sense, logically that an ingredient that can keep scar tissue from forming could also be able to dissolve any existing scar tissue- or at least soften it. The versatility of DMSO proved to be its greatest asset.
Additionally, DMSO can also be used to treat macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma of the eyes.
Why is DMSO so effective in dogs?
The body needs sulfur for several chemical reactions in order to detoxify. Sulfur is found in the cells of our own body as well as in our pets’ bodies.
In addition to blocking nerve transmission fibers that cause pain, DMSO also lessens inflammation and swelling in the body by eradicating inflammatory chemicals. When combined with ionic silver water, it is useful for fighting infections and killing pathogens deeper within the body.
In the presence of a cell, pathogens are:
As they hide in places where medicines cannot reach them, they are challenging to reach
The reason DMSO is so highly regarded is because of this.
As DMSO increases cell penetration, it helps ionic silver water penetrate your pet’s cells, where these nasty pathogens hide.
DMSO transports ionic silver water into the cell, where it can destroy pathogens skulking around and hiding.
IONIC SILVER WATER AND DMSO target microbes like guided missiles.
When combined, DMSO and Ionic Silver Water are so potent that R. Webster Kehr, author of the original treatment guide, referred to them as “guided missiles designed to target cancer cells.”
DMSO Blocks the pain in an affected area.
A number of allopathic and holistic veterinarians prescribe DMSO for dogs suffering from chronic pain, arthritis, various injuries, muscle pain, inflamed tendons, swelling, and chronic inflammation.
As well as being a natural anti-inflammatory, DMSO also relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, increases urine output, and has anti-fungal properties.
DMSO is used for reducing pain and inflammation in arthritis due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the body’s tissues.
A number of other painful conditions are also treated with DMSO topically, including wounds, burns, and muscle and skeletal injuries.
When applied topically, DMSO relieves pain and increases flexibility. It passes through the skin’s membranes and reduces swelling and inflammation very quickly.
DMSO for Dogs: How to Use It
You can apply DMSO with cotton gloves, gauze pads, cotton swabs, or cotton swabs as it penetrates into whatever it touches. Apply it right on the inflamed area but not on open skin.
Apply it as a roll-on if you can.
After application, your dog’s breath might smell a bit garlicky, but if you use pharmaceutical-grade DMSO, it usually isn’t an issue.
It does tingle and has a slight burning/itching sensation for a few minutes after first applying. It does have an immediate heating sensation within the area, and you can often feel the heat increasing through cotton gloves or gauze.
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