The 2 oz bottle of My Best Friend’s Vision Repair Eye Drops contains Ionic Silver Water and DMSO for treating eye ulcers and cataracts.
A number of dogs and cats, as well as quite a few people, have benefited from this combination. Although it can be a great treatment for many kinds of eye infections and ulcers and can help reduce cataracts- eye issues are complex, and not all medicines can be effective for all pets. This includes pharmaceuticals.
There is a slight sting for about 10-15 seconds, and then your eyes feel better than before.
A consistent daytime application of ISW/DMSO drops, 1-2 drops 3 to 4 times daily, as well as castor oil drops at night, has proven effective for many of us with pets with cataracts and other eye infection-related issues.
The alternative is to use one drop of organic cold-pressed hexane-free castor oil at night for as long as needed. You can order it from or pick it up at your local pharmacy.
DMSO and Ionic Silver Water
The unassuming by-product of the wood industry, DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), has been called a miracle treatment because it alleviates pain, reduces swelling, reduces inflammation, incites healing, and restores normal functioning.
Many incapacitating illnesses and health-related issues can be treated effectively with DMSO.
Numerous inflammatory conditions and cancer are being treated with DMSO.
Worldwide, medical doctors use DMSO to treat a wide range of conditions. It is one of the safest natural compounds ever used in medicine.
Herb Roi Richards discusses documented cases of DMSO preventing and healing a variety of ailments in his book DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide for Humans, Recipes and Treatment. The DMSO treatment and research is ongoing daily.
DMSO has proven to be a wonder compound because of its ability to dissolve scar tissue- or at least soften it. It makes sense that an ingredient that inhibits scar tissue can also dissolve existing scar tissue.
As well as clearing cataracts of the eyes, DMSO was also used for treating people and pets.
Since DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) transports everything it comes into contact with into the cells, it works perfectly with ionic silver water.
It is a powerful and effective healer on its own, as well as an excellent anti-inflammatory that relieves any type of pain, including joint and muscle pain.
Cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, shingles, fibromyalgia, cirrhosis of the liver, MS, brain injuries, diabetes, cataracts, eye ulcers, and other eye problems have all been treated and improved with DMSO.
Despite its crazy nature, DMSO has only been approved by the federal government in the USA for treating interstitial cystitis, which is a chronic infection of the bladder. Despite its use as a preservative for organ transplants, it can’t be patented, which is why Big Pharma doesn’t discuss it.
In spite of its hush-hush, since it is not patentable like a pharmaceutical, DMSO is an incredible natural compound that can be used in many different ways to help pets become healthier.
An antibiotic and antimicrobial by itself, ionic silver water is a natural and powerful substance.
In addition to having antibiotic properties, ISW is safe for use in the eyes to heal eye issues. It is an excellent antiseptic, as well as an antifungal, and has amazing disinfectant properties.
A Skilled Microbe Killer: Ionic Silver Water
You can use ionic silver water to kill microbes and keep them out of your pet’s system by using it on a daily basis.
In order to stop several types of diseases in their tracks and boost your pet’s immune system, removing these microbes is vital.
It can be challenging to eliminate these disease-causing pathogens because very few substances are capable of penetrating the interior of the cell wall, where they hide. DMSO can help here.
It improves the effectiveness of ionic silver water on its own in certain situations when combined with DMSO.
Ionic silver water combined with DMSO is being examined in a very sensational new study. According to the Independent Cancer Research Foundation article, “DMSO-Colloidal Silver Protocol for Cancer,” the DMSO acts as a “vehicle” to deliver silver to pathogenic cells.
When these pathogens are inside a cell, they are:
Because they hide in places where medicines cannot reach, they are complicated to treat
DMSO becomes so esteemed at this point.
By increasing cell penetrability, DMSO can deliver ionic silver water to your pet’s cells, where these pathogens hide.
Ionic silver water can destroy pathogens that are skulking around and hiding inside cells once it has been transported through the cell barrier by DMSO.
Ionic Silver Water and DMSO target microbes like guided missiles.
Ionic Silver Water and DMSO work so well together that R. Webster Kehr described the two ingredients as “designed by a higher power to pinpoint cancer cells like guided missiles.”
Start seeing results as soon as six days after using Ionic Silver Water/DMSO mix for cloudy eyes, ulcers, or cataracts.
Penetration of tissue
It is DMSO’s ability to penetrate tissue rapidly (and carry other substances into tissues) that makes it such an effective eye treatment.
Cataracts, corneal ulcers, and other eye infection issues can be alleviated by using DMSO in ionic silver water, applied 2-3 times daily, and used in conjunction with castor oil eye drops at night.
Do not use DMSO full strength. It needs to be mixed with ionic silver water. Do not use more than a 40% solution for the eyes.
In the same way as Visine, it stings for about 30 seconds.
Hair growth has also been observed in animals treated with DMSO. A topical lotion containing DMSO treated cats that had suffered severe hair loss in a few instances and had their hair grow back completely. Some cats were also treated with DMSO but had thicker hair.
As an excellent vasodilator, DMSO dilates small capillaries in the scalp, increasing the blood supply to the hair roots. This allows nutrients to be delivered to the hair follicles, encouraging hair growth.
In their medical practices, doctors frequently use DMSO along with antibiotics to treat infections. However, the treatment and the results of the treatment are rarely published.
A major benefit of DMSO in veterinary practice over the years has been its ability to greatly reduce horse leg pain.
(If you decide if you want to try this for your pet, and when you order this, you agree to do so entirely at your own risk.)
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